Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good news from the hematologist

"There is a real possibility that we could stop your Coumadin in October," so said my favorite hematologist today.

How about that? No lifetime of being on an anti-coagulant. Can a return to the rugby pitch be far behind?

The latest test for lupus anti-coagulant came back negative and I had a normal d-dimer, whatever that is. They drew blood to test for the lupus anti-coagulant. If that comes back positive, then I'm on to another med (will this ever end?). If negative, "you have a good chance of getting off Coumadin." Woo-hoo!

Still have swelling in my ankles and in my left calf. Energy is not what I would like it to be, but I'm hoping that will return steadily, although it is not looking good for a West Coast bike ride I had planned for September. Next year.


  1. Great to hear the good news, JB. Hang in there, my friend.

  2. Hi there John,
    Jumping yimminie, yimminie! Life is getting
    a whole lot better for you and Cuz! Yeah!!!
    Love, Tobi
