Tuesday, May 17, 2011

If it had just been brain surgery, this would have been easy

It's the other issues that are continuing to cause problems. Three and a half hours with doctors yesterday to figure out why the continued swelling in the left leg. Very impressed with Dr. Wong, a vascular specialist, who spent a long time with me explaining blood issues, filters (I have one from the blood issues after knee surgery in 1990) and also having my blood drawn and tested to see where we were on the Coumadin levels.

Word comes back today that we are not where we are supposed to be on those levels, which should be between 2 and 3 for me. Yesterday it was 1.3.

Doctors on the phones today with me and it looks like I will be making a return visit to see why my clots are getting bigger instead of going away.

But everything above my neck seems to be recovering nicely.


  1. Dear John,
    First off, it was wonderful to talk to you over the phone. You sounded great and all chipper, which made me feel all chipper. We are a couple ole chippers.....that was a funny.... Super to hear your head is healing very well! I would have thought your continued walking would help tremendously with the blood clots. I am sure you are in very good hands up there in Seattle and the big guy "GOD". Why does patience have to be a virtue? It's okay to go out in your big back yard and scream as loud as you can. Don't worry about being quirky, it's allowed if you are 60 years or older. (Of course this advice comes from a crazy lady)....another funny:)
    Thank you for your update! Have a Starbucks latte and leave the rest to GOD. You will be in our continued thoughts and prayers!:)
    p.s. (Time to go outside and scream!)
    Much love, Tobi

  2. and the beat goes on. thanks for keeping us posted. you have a marvelous way of describing intensely distressing circumstances in fluid, objective prose. it's as if it wasn't happening to you!

    looking forward to your next installment and let's hope the swelling is down as well as those troublesome CLOTS! god bless you john b saul....
